Friday, May 28, 2010

Quantum Leap

So yesterday I get the chance to see what all the recent hubbub’s been about. I know I’ve been regaling you with teasers about up-coming programs and the vagaries of the ‘change in the air’ – well, today I got a closure of sorts, though it felt far more like being catapulted into a whole new dimension.

And thus, a quantum leap.

TV networks casually go through multiple re-genesis, especially when they’re young. It’s casual because its to be expected, and truth be told, if there was one consistent message from top brass since we moderators got here, its been; “…expect change.”

So here we are, all gathered around one of the immense televisions strewn wildly throughout our office. Plastic inflatable couches, office chairs, folding chairs and the postures of those gathered round the screen reflect their position within the company. Management has its feat up, those most directly involved (i.e. – those who will work overnight to fix bugs) are standing, pacing, hunched over laptops, biting fingernails etc. The newbies, such as myself, stand at the back, quietly commenting on what’s going on as the detached observers we sometimes feel we are. We can’t quite grasp the full-on attention to detail paid by those on the production side of things.

Honestly, it’s not that different from being on a film set, which I had the great joy to experience a few years back. I remember how the producer and the director of photography carefully reviewed small segments of film in utter silence, constantly re-scanning what’s in front of them to pick out the slightest of errors.

Suffice it to say, things were a bit more jovial yesterday as we watched the new format, announcements, ‘interstitials’ (an industry term for a type of call-sign reminding you which channel you’re on and how it works, like a instructional commercial interspersed throughout each program, effectively breaking each show into parts) and general ‘feeling’ of a new improved version of TXT-TV. Think of what’s coming out over the next few weeks as TXT-TV 2.0 (I’m sure the production team probably see it as version 12 or 28 by this point).

It was something else, as I’m certain our loyal viewers will soon notice. Clean, sexy, dynamic and refreshing. 

It looks higher-produced and better pitched. Considering last Saturday we had our highest number of unique texters ever, I wonder what records might be broken next week, or the week after for that matter.

Let us know exactly what you think of the new format and/or anything else you want to tell us about.  

And remember, if you want your opinions to gain a little posterity, you can always comment on the blog – we here at TXT-TV are committed to a proactive approach with regards to user feedback and comments. They’re literally what keeps the internet running and relevant, so get it done.


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